Reignite Resilience

Rise & Thrive: We Are Over It!

June 01, 2024 Pamela Cass and Natalie Davis
🔒 Rise & Thrive: We Are Over It!
Reignite Resilience
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Reignite Resilience
Rise & Thrive: We Are Over It!
Jun 01, 2024
Pamela Cass and Natalie Davis

Subscriber-only episode

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Ever feel like you just need to vent, and the world should listen but not fix? That's exactly what we're doing in this special bonus episode of Reignite Resilience. Forget the usual search for solutions; join your hosts as we step into our 'I'm over it' space inspired by the raw honesty of the ladies at 'I've had it.' It's a no-holds-barred session where we peel back the curtain on our own struggles, sharing the hard truths that even after a hundred episodes, life's curveballs still hit us square in the gut.

This episode is about sitting in the muck with comrades-in-arms, the shared understanding of those moments when all you want is to be heard. We're opening up about the things that have rattled our cages and robbed us of sleep, not for sympathy but for solidarity. It's a rare glimpse into the personal side of your dedicated hosts, a reminder that resilience isn't about never getting knocked down but about choosing to get back up, dusting off, and moving forward. So grab your headphones, and let's navigate the rough seas of life's challenges together, just this once, without a lifeboat in sight.

I've Had It! WE LOVE YOU! 

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Magical Mornings Journal

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The co-hosts of this podcast are not medical professionals. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by the podcast hosts or guests is solely at your own risk.

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Subscriber-only episode

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Ever feel like you just need to vent, and the world should listen but not fix? That's exactly what we're doing in this special bonus episode of Reignite Resilience. Forget the usual search for solutions; join your hosts as we step into our 'I'm over it' space inspired by the raw honesty of the ladies at 'I've had it.' It's a no-holds-barred session where we peel back the curtain on our own struggles, sharing the hard truths that even after a hundred episodes, life's curveballs still hit us square in the gut.

This episode is about sitting in the muck with comrades-in-arms, the shared understanding of those moments when all you want is to be heard. We're opening up about the things that have rattled our cages and robbed us of sleep, not for sympathy but for solidarity. It's a rare glimpse into the personal side of your dedicated hosts, a reminder that resilience isn't about never getting knocked down but about choosing to get back up, dusting off, and moving forward. So grab your headphones, and let's navigate the rough seas of life's challenges together, just this once, without a lifeboat in sight.

I've Had It! WE LOVE YOU! 

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Magical Mornings Journal

Disclaimer: The information provided in this podcast is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The co-hosts of this podcast are not medical professionals. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Reliance on any information provided by the podcast hosts or guests is solely at your own risk.


All right, welcome back to another episode of Reignite Resilience. Well, sort of.


This is a bonus. It kind of is. You know, I feel like this is gosh. What can we call it? This is a venting session where you know what, when you're going through stuff and I'm going to use the politically correct stuff, stuff sometimes you just need somebody not to fix it, not to you know butterflies and rainbows, just to let you just tell them how you are feeling.


Oh my gosh, be real with it, absolutely. And here's the thing, pam, like. I actually just had a coaching session a little earlier today and my coach said that it speaks to this exactly. He said do you want me to feel it with you or do you want me to fix it?


And here's what we want you to do today we're going to just feel it with us Just feel it, just just envision the person or entity that we are talking about, because we probably all had somebody or something in our world that has done this to us, and I feel like you know what. Let's just feel it with us, let's just air it out there Exactly. Air out our dirty laundry because, although we have a podcast and we've done what 100 episodes yeah.


We're hovering right at 100. By the time this posts, we will have surpassed a hundred. Yes, so we're surpassed a hundred.


So you would think we would have all of our stuff figured out. You know what Stuff still kind of keeps us up at night sometimes and knocks us down a little bit. But you know us, we're all about resilience. We're going to hear it and we're going to put it to bed and walk away and we're going to be better for it.


I love that and I say I've said in life, I've said on this podcast there is not much that really keeps me up at night, right Like.


I'm not recording.


It's paused. No, we're recording.


Okay, mine says it's paused. All right, okay as it's paused. All right, okay, sorry guys. Hey, we're new here, guys.


This is our first one Like this it is. It's oh my gosh, I love it, but I, yeah, I, I. There's not much that keeps me up at night. Right Like there, I am able to sleep well, and the last couple of weeks I've had a hard time sleeping. I've had some things that have woken me up in the middle of the night and Pam and.


I were just sitting and chatting and we've shared with you guys. Sometimes we just talk before we hit record and today I said we need to record this. We're not going to go down this alley, this dark alley, until we hit record and it is inspired by our um. We're going to say there are friends in our heads. We've never met them, but there are friends in in our heads. The ladies over at I've had it um, miss Jennifer and pumps.


We're big fans, big, huge fans, big, huge fans, and so hopefully someday we can have you on our podcast. We would love it. We will hashtag you in this episode, even though it's not going to be public. It'll be on our private site, but that's all right.


Maybe we'll do a little sneaky snake. We'll do something. Yes, yes, yes. So for the ladies that I've had it you guys have inspired us and we've just come up with I'm over it and there are a couple of things that Pam and I are over. Pam, you want to get us started?


What are you over? Here's what I'm over. I'm over these people at companies that think they are better than other people and that they can do whatever they want to somebody that is not in the same level or position as they are and taking advantage of people. And you and I have with the entity that we're talking about, or whatever you want to say. It's been multiple times and I from my coach that used to say to me we deserve what we allow and sadly we've allowed it and I don't know why we kept allowing it and now it's finally at the point where we're like you know what? We're over it, we are freaking over it and we are going to nicely tell these people that just move along. We have no use for you in our world.


Thank you, but our plate is full. Our plate is full, bye-bye.


We're done playing.


We're done. We're done with that, thank you. No, and you know what, pam? I think that I will make this an I statement because I think that I've gotten to this place where I'm over it only because I'm seeing other people impacted Exactly. If it were just me, I'd be over it quietly and figure something out, but now that I'm seeing other people harmed in it, I'm like, oh no.


I think that that's where you and I both get all, and I'm just going to throw it out there, all spider monkey, because I'm like don't be hurting our friends. Don't be hurting people that we care about, that are good people. That are good people. And you know what? Yeah, I agree. If it's just me, it's like I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. But when it's good people that are being hurt, oh, I do want to go all spider monkey on them.


Exactly, exactly Well, in that same corporate space. I have to say I've not had this experience, but I've had so many people around me share this experience, and it comes from online shopping and so, for whatever reason, companies now that have a quote unquote free return policy, but once you attempt to do the return, it's not for the total purchase price. They're keeping like a fee or a return charge that goes against the returned items unless, unless you want it in the form of store credit, and in that instance, you get 130% of your money back, not just a hundred percent.


I'm over that. Like what Start doing this.


You know what? I guess you know. It's so interesting because I think one of the things that is missing in the world today is value. I think everything has been devalued, and I think that I don't know about you, but I crave that more than anything now, and I find myself willing to spend more money and more time so that I can have something that's of value, because I'm over allowing companies to do exactly what you just said charge you a ridiculous amount, not be fair and equitable and think that it's just okay and we're just supposed to just take it.


Take it and go.


Just take it and leave. Yeah, it's ridiculous. I'm over it, over it Totally, I'm so over it.


Oh my gosh. Anyways, that's our rant. Are you over anything else, Pam? I don't know. I feel like we need a little bit of a rant.


I, I, you know what, not now, but I might be over something tomorrow. We've you know what. We've laid it to rest, and the beautiful thing is that when situations like this happen, I always know that there's something that is waiting on the other side. That is far better, far more exciting. It's meant to happen, it's supposed to happen, even though it really stinks in the minute. But you know what? I'm excited Now I'm kind of M over it and I'm in this place where I'm like all right, let's just get started.


I'm like now it's like I'm anticipating, like I cannot wait for this to be behind us and we can just create the next new amazing thing that we're going to create and experience the magic that's out there waiting for us. Oh my gosh.


And that folks is rise and thrive. So somehow we go from being over it to rising and thriving. But you know, at the end of the day we want to make sure that you are left with the tools to have the opportunity to overcome resilience or overcome adversity and have that resiliency. So we may have muddled in that space for a little bit, but just like that we're over that, we're over it and we have moved on.


And so when you are in this space, find somebody and just tell them I don't want you to fix this, I just want you to be in this space with me. Allow me to feel what I'm feeling, let me work through it and then I can move on.


I don't need you to fix it.


I don't need anybody to fix this for me.


I agree.


I just needed to get it off my chest.


I agree. I am taking that question with me from this day on. Do you want me to feel this with you or do you want me to fix it? Uh, because oftentimes I get into the fix it. You know what this thing fixed itself. We're fine, the shopping piece it'll fix itself. We'll shop elsewhere, um, we, we'll fix it, it'll fix itself. Um. But sometimes we just need to feel it together.


Absolutely. And today we felt it I do. Oh my gosh, all right I love that and we're done.


If you want more riveting Rise and Thrive content, make sure that you head on over to the VIP community or you can subscribe through your favorite streaming platform. We do have exclusive content that is often shared not necessarily like this, but on occasion I like it. I like showing up a little spicy, yeah.


You guys don't get the spicy side of us very often, but sometimes you get it.


Yeah, oh, we're, we're, we're there, you guys know we're there. Until next time. We'll see y'all soon. Bye guys, bye.